>> organ's log 2024

Log 9 - General

posted on 18/01/2024

Honestly this has got to be one of my favourite NMIXX comebacks! It's so good can't believe it

knocked my tits off clean!! tbh

Log 8 - General

posted on 15/01/2024

New Year, Woe is me

Hello everyone I haven't updated you guys in a while! It's mostly because it's holidays and I can't really do anything in like 40 degree weather (Australia is tough). So I've been stuck inside cleaning 24/7 and playing Splatoon. I get a fortnightly allownace of $120 so I dont have to worry too much about paying off my course or getting a job for it.

As for the future, I don't really have anything in mind other than I want to become a library assistant, alot of people around me believe I can do it which is very comforting. If it doesn't happen next year then it's fine I got all of the time in the world because everything happens eventually (and it's achieveable for me lol).

For what I wish for the future, I hope I create new friends and find new places to explore!
I hope everyone has a painless and kind 2024