my archive ❤


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'White People’s Food' Evokes Laughter, Mockery — and Praise — on the Chinese Internet

An overview on a recent trend in Chinese social media

“Have they evolved to a point where they can generate energy without eating actual food?” a Xiaohongshu user based in Denmark wrote about a colleague’s lunch. The post included a photo of a few baby carrots and raw spinach leaves in a Tupperware container.

The Femcel Revolution

An article about the femcel community.

How the blog broke the web

An article that goes through the evolution of the "blog"

A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden

An brief overview of the history of digital gardens.

Standing on The Shoulders of Complex Female Characters

On how women define themselves through archtypes/characters online.

On the Outs

On being a ugly girl.

What Do Female Incels Really Want?

Really interesting peice on femcels, the part about liberal feminisim heavily resonated with me.

Is "Inner Glow" A Real Thing?

Talks about how having good mental health also improves skin health.

Write Plain Text Files

About how benfical writing in plain text can be.


Travelling with Yoshimoto Nara

A documentary of Yoshimoto Nara. (I saw his work at an art exbihtion once!)

Georgia O'Keeffe By Myself Allen Charlton

A beautiful documentary about Georgia O'Keeffe and her body of art.


The Anime Countryside

One of my favorite videos on Youtube, it's everything to me.

To be in it's world is to feel the slight, slow yet steady beating of it's heart and rising and falling of it's chest. The stillness it captures is so throughly articulate, it says so much with so little that it's frankly overpowering.

Watertok, beverage girlies, & food politics | Internet Analysis

I do not use Tiktok anymore so this was a really interesting watch for me.

Our Obsession With Beauty is Dystopian

A video essay from Shansphere (my fav) about the current state of beauty culture.

Let’s Discuss Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s New Fame

A good rundown on how Gyspy is being treated by the media at the moment.

The Incel to Trans Pipeline and Inside Mari

On inside Mari and how it relates to the author's(?) experience as a trans woman

The Humanity of Hypnospace Outlaw

An analysis and summary of Hypnospace Outlaw

Girlboss-ier: The Rise and Fall of Glossier

What the title says.


Chronically Online and Thinking About It

Shoutout to this profile being the way I found out about! It's really good.

Here and Now

A internet reflection space.

It has a lot of fun games to play when you're bored! The Deep Sea and Absurd Trolley Problems are my favorites!

My internet

An profile dedicated to curating their ideal interent. The websites and articles on it are very cool!

More Coming Soon...

I'll try my best to update this regularly!